Our host have arranged lunch options for Saturday and Sunday.

Menu for Saturday:

Hamburger served with salad

Menu for Sunday:

Bratwurst served with kartoffel salad

Price per ticket is 12,50 euro.

You can buy tickets for lunch by replying to this email.
The hosting club needs to buy food and drinks so they asked us to pre sale lunch tickets.
It is also possible to buy tickets onsite but there is a small risk there is no food anymore so if you do so please buy tickets early in the morning to ensure you have lunch.

If you have not paid your entry fee or camping options yet please do so to confirm your entry for the competition.

Payment information for entry fee, camping options, banquet, lunch options:

IBAN: NL36 INGB 0007 7353 16


Registered to: R.Oostema (Contest Organiser)

If you have any questions please contact us.

Best regards,

Roy Oostema

Team F3A Lowlandcup